Acupuncture should not hurt, but occasionally, you may experience a small pin prick. The purpose of Acupuncture is to heal, not to give more pain.
This depends on the condition and length of time you have had the illness. Often conditions may need 4 to 6 treatments, sometimes more.
Most treatments require the needles to be left in for approximately 20 to 30 minutes per session. During this time you can relax quietly while the needles do their work.
Acupuncture needles help to balance the body’s energies, move blood stagnation, reduce pain and relax muscles. If the energies are out of balance, and these can be caused by bad eating habits, old injuries and by the way we think, then it can manifest as a physical complaint. For instance, if your Liver energy is out of balance, it can manifest physically as skin problems, sinus, hayfever, indigestion, constipation and eye problems.
A doctor referral is only needed for ACC treatments. All other treatments can be booked over the phone.
There may be a need to take Chinese herbal tonics or vitamins and mineral supplements.
Acupuncture changes the flow of energies in our body and it is for this reason that it is best to avoid hard physical labour, hot baths/saunas, late nights and alcohol for at least 8 hours.